Connie’s Advertising Tin Collection


Crayola and School


         Non-Crayola tins are near the top of the page but included as they are school related items.  Water paint tins have been moved to a page of their own.  You’ll get to the Crayola tins as you scroll down.  I have been fascinated by the variety of Crayola tins beyond the most common ones that come to mind. 

         I’ve begun Photojoining two different pictures of the same tin which makes a smaller picture to be seen here. So, double click on it to see an enlarged picture.        View by pictures by scrolling.  Scrolling is faster than the slideshow. Click directly on a picture and then scroll to the top of the page to see an enlarged version.

        The tins on this page are NOT for sale.  Please click HERE to see tins for sale.

        As of 8/2022 there are  111 tins in this category. Enjoy!

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